Chartered 1889, Serving the Bronx and Manhattan

Alisha Brumfield

Mutual Benefit Association (M.B.A.)

Alisha was elected to the position of Mutual Benefit Association (M.B.A.) Representative in 2022. Alisha has been a proud Union member since the beginning of her career. Her fight for the carriers landed her the trust of her fellow coworkers and in 2019 she was elected Shop Steward. Thanks to all the carriers who voted in the 2022 election, Alisha will represent Branch 36 members as the M.B.A.

Rainy-Day Funds

Welcome back to another article regarding the various MBA term life plans. As we start with every article, which you’re probably all familiar with by now, we’ll discuss the significance and importance of these term life insurance plans. The simplest comparison we’ve made is that these insurance plans are like a rainy-day fund. For those needing a refresher, a rainy-day fund is money set aside in a jar and as it builds up, you plan to use that money for emergencies or specific goals.
Throughout these articles, we’ve stated that insurance is typically, in a sense, a rainy-day fund. Understandably, insurance policies and programs are more complex than a simple rainy-day fund. However, both serve the same purpose of setting aside money with a specific reason in mind. With insurance, you’re investing money to protect yourself and valued items. It’s like putting money into a rainy-day jar, but you are preparing for unexpected events by ensuring that you have the funds to resolve issues should they arise. This summarizes the overall purpose of insurance and rainy-day funds, though we know insurance has more nuances. Our focus isn’t detailing insurance nuances, but rather the MBA term life plans offered to NALC members and their families. Previous articles covered MBA’s life insurance programs tailored to NALC members’ unique situations.
Today, we’ll discuss two plans: the MBA Term to Age 65 Plan and MBA 20- Year Term Plan. The Term to Age 65 Plan provides coverage until the insured turns 65. The premium rate is based on the insured’s current age and desired coverage amount. Once set, this rate never increases as long as premiums are paid. The policyholder is guaranteed life insurance until age 65. If an untimely death occurs, the policy pays the full amount to the chosen beneficiaries. The 20-Year Term Plan is similar, but covers a 20-year period rather than until age 65. Again, the premium rate depends on the age and coverage amount, but won’t increase over those 20 years if premiums are paid. Life insurance is guaranteed for 20 years, with the full amount paid to beneficiaries upon the insured’s untimely death.
Both plans are like long-term rainy-day funds compared to shorter-term goals. You’re setting aside money for insurance over a longer duration, either until retirement age or 20 years. The timeframe matches your needs, but you’re still guaranteed that “rainy day” coverage and protection for your family.


  • KIM, STEVE KIDUK ................. $50.00
  • TALUKDER, PARTHA ............... $50.00
  • MANTILLA, HOWARD ............ $50.00
  • COLE .......................................... $10.00
  • JAMES, CHRISTOPHER .......... $25.00
  • SINGH, PARAN J ....................... $20.00
  • LWEN, NOEL ............................. $20.00
  • SHRESTHA, DHIRENDRA ....... $20.00
  • TANG, HENG .............................. $20.00
  • BEPARY, IMRUL ....................... $25.00
  • GREEN, STACEY ...................... $75.00
  • WIN, ROSIE ............................... $20.00
  • MARK, DONALD ...................... $20.00
  • BORGELLA, FRITZLAND ....... $20.00
  • DORSETT, MALEEK ................. $20.00
  • YII, MEI FUNG ......................... $20.00
  • LIU, TEDDY ............................... $10.00
  • ROJAS, DOYLE ......................... $20.00
  • SANTANA, KERI ...................... $20.00
  • SOSA, ARMANDO ................... $10.00
  • SCOTT, SHONNETT ................. $40.00
  • HILARIO Jr., FRANCISCO ....... $20.00
  • T. LIU ........................................... $20.00
  • NIEVES, MILAGITOS ............... $20.00
  • CHIU, KIRK ................................ $40.00
  • GRIMALDI, PAUL .................... $10.00
  • CASTELLON, VERONICA ........ $10.00
  • WU, SHUNTING ........................ $20.00
  • ALOMARI, HE SHAM .............. $20.00
  • HU, STELLA ................................ $30.00
  • WASHINGTON, GREGORY ....... $20.00
  • McDUFFIE, CHARLYNE ........... $25.00
  • MIHICH, RICHARD ................... $20.00
  • ASMOLO, AL ............................. $20.00
  • HUANG, YUCHEN .................... $40.00
  • TOWNSEND, SHARON ............ $50.00
  • MANCE, QUATELL .................... $20.00
  • FITZGERALD, PATRICK .......... $20.00
  • ANDERSON, PATRICE ............. $20.00
  • AYE, MYA ................................... $25.00
  • FIGARO, KRYSTAL ................... $15.00
  • SUAREZ, MELANIE ………….. $20.00
  • JEFFRYES, JR ............................. $20.00
  • KHALIL, MUHAMMAD ........... $20.00
  • PAGE, CRAVEN .......................... $20.00
  • SHINNE, JIMMY ........................ $30.00
  • WINKLER, DARIUSZ .............. $20.00
  • HERNANDEZ, JOSEPH ............. $20.00
  • JACKSON, SHELTON ................ $20.00
  • SOFTY, NICHOLAS ................... $25.00
  • DELIZ, ROBERT ......................... $20.00
  • EDWARDS, DEVONIE ................ $5.00
  • JOHNSON, BRANDON ............... $5.00
  • WINSTON, DAVON .................... $20.00
  • LOPEZ, NITZA ............................ $75.00
  • PACHOT, DANIEL ...................... $20.00
  • FIELDS, TIMILIA ....................... $50.00

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