Chartered 1889, Serving the Bronx and Manhattan

David Velazquez

Director of Safety and Health

David was elected the Director of Safety and Health in 2010. A position he has held for 12 years and was recently re-elected in 2022. David’s Postal and Union membership began in 1984. In 2007, David was elected Shop Steward by his fellow coworkers. David’s willingness to learn and volunteer made him an easy pick for many positions within the Branch. When the branch needed someone to coordinate the Food Drive in 2008, David was right there. In 2010 David became a Formal A Representative as well as the Customer Connect Coordinator. David did not stop there. His ability to organize landed him the coordinator position of the MDA bowl-a-thon. His multitasking abilities are unmatched. During all the years of service to Branch 36 and through all the positions he held, David managed to also be a part of all the minor route adjustment teams beginning in 2008. When the need arises, we can all trust David’s sound advice and knowledge to keep us all safe. In 2022, David was re-elected to the position of Director of Safety and Health

Article 14 - EL 809 – Form 1767

There are several other issues that may be dealt with outside of the grievance procedure, and you might be just the one to get involved in helping your union perform its duties. Among them is the matter of safety and health as defined in the National Agreement. In the past, we have referenced our joint responsibility on safety, as found in Article 14, Section 1: It is the responsibility of management to provide safe working conditions in all present and future installations and to develop a safe working force. The Union will cooperate with and assist management to live up to this responsibility.
You can and should get involved by identifying any hazardous condition(s) and bringing it to the attention of your managers through the submission of a Form 1767. The Form 1767 becomes an official notification to the employer of our opinion on a hazardous situation requiring their attention and action. Once management has been notified of the hazard, the burden shifts to them to promptly investigate and act on the notification. If managers agree with the opinion that there is a hazard, they are required to abate the hazard as promptly as possible. If they do not agree, they must explain in writing, on the Form 1767. If the latter is the case, then take the Form 1767 to your shop steward for review and for the processing of a grievance if necessary.
Separately, your observations, input and suggestions on safety are appropriate items for review and consideration by the Local Safety Committee. Article 14, Section 4 provides that: At each postal installation having 50 or more employees, a Joint Labor-Management Safety and Health Committee will be established. In installations having fewer than 50 employees, installation heads are encouraged to establish similar committees when requested by the Union. Where no Safety and Health Committee exists, safety and health items may be placed on the agenda and discussed at Labor-Management Meetings.
The Handbook EL-809 (12 pages) details the duties and responsibilities of the Local Safety Committee and the Area Safety Committee. This handbook lists a number of duties for the committee to address, including the following two: monitor the progress of accident prevention and health activities, and, when necessary, make recommendations for improvement to the installation head.
Membership on a Safety and Health Committee does not entitle the members to have access to individual employee medical records without the employee’s consent. Review Forms 1767, Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition, or Practice, and responses or corrective action taken. These two simple duties can make a world of difference in changing how we do our jobs and how we make our workplace safer. How often should the committee meet? Section 14.7 of the National Agreement states that the Safety and Health Committee shall meet at least quarterly and at such other times as requested by a Committee member and approved by the Chair in order to discuss significant problems or items. The meeting shall be on official time. Each Committee member shall submit agenda items to the Secretary at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
In the Bronx installation, Section 7 A on page 6 of our Bronx LMOU specifically states that the Safety and Health committee shall meet monthly. In the Manhattan installation, Section 8 A on page 6 of the Manhattan LMOU states: that the Safety and Health committee shall meet at least quarterly and at other times as needed.
As I have mentioned before, we need you. We need your eyes and ears. We need you to report what is really happening. We need you to connect with your shop steward and the local union. We need you to keep our union strong and protect your rights long into the future. Keep an eye on each other. Remember Safety Depends on Me.

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