Chartered 1889, Serving the Bronx and Manhattan

Edwin Robertson Jr.

Director of Education

Edwin (Ed) was elected as Director of Education for Branch 36 in 2022. Since the beginning of Edwin’s postal career, he has been involved in anything that benefits his fellow carriers. In 2015 Edwin was elected a Shop Steward by his coworkers. Edwin became a Formal A Designee in 2018 which allowed him to help develop other stewards and ensure the rights of the carriers are at the forefront. In 2019 Edwin became the LBA for Region 15 consolidated Casing. In that same year Edwin was tapped as Trustee for Branch 36. Edwin was ultimately elected to the position of Director of Education where he keeps his fellow carriers educated on all issues that may arise.

Arrow Key Accountability

Greetings brothers and sisters. The Postal Service is trying new ways to keep current with today’s digital world while maintaining letter carrier safety in the process. Arrow Keys are valuable because they permit letter carriers access to some buildings and all mailboxes within that zip code. The problem is that the public knows it. The goal is to phase out the physical Arrow Key and develop an application that would allow letter carriers to use the MDD-TR to gain access to buildings and mailboxes. Unfortunately, that has not happened yet.
The Mobile Delivery Device-Technical Refresh (MDD-TR), otherwise known as the scanner, is a handheld device used by letter carriers for various tasks related to mail delivery. By now everyone should be using and/or familiar with the MDD-TR scanner. The MDD-TR has multiple features, and one notable feature is that it can be used to manage Arrow Key accountability. In this new process, a carrier can “check out” or receive a key without a signature, return a key without an accountable clerk or supervisor present and transfer accountability for an Arrow Key to another letter carrier by following the “Arrow Key Management” workflow on the MDD-TR. In some stations, management has begun to instruct letter carriers to use this application to “check out” their Arrow Keys without signing for them by scanning their employee identification badge and the Arrow Key barcode using the MDD-TR.
The Postal Service’s idea when implementing this step was to improve security of the arrow key process. Additionally, letter carriers should be reminded that any testing of the above concept does not change any National Agreement or USPS handbook provisions related to the handling of accountable items.
Section 261.21 of the M-41 Handbook reads:

  1. A numbered check is issued to each employee. When you surrender the check, you will be given a set of Arrow and/or padlock, and/or truck keys. (In some instances, a signature is used in place of a numbered check.) The keys are on a chain which must be securely fastened to a belt or clothing. Keys must be returned at the end of the tour of duty.

Section 43 of the M-41 Handbook reads: Clearance for Accountable Items - 431 Keys:
  1. Turn in mail keys in exchange for assigned key check or signature clearance. Implementation of this accountability process is in direct conflict with the provisions of postal handbooks and manuals and does not change the letter carrier’s responsibility when handling Arrow Keys as outlined in Sections 261 and 43 of Handbook M-41, City Carrier Duties and Responsibilities.
  2. If management at your station is instructing carriers to “check out” or receive a key without a signature by following the “Arrow Key Management” option on the scanner…File the Grievance.
  3. f management at your station is instructing carriers to return a key without an accountable clerk or supervisor present by following the “Arrow Key Management” option on the scanner…File the Grievance.
  4. If management at your station is instructing carriers to transfer an Arrow Key to another carrier by following the “Arrow Key Management” option on the scanner without a signature...File the Grievance.
  5. If any of these things are happening at your station, File the Grievance because Management has just violated Article 19 of the National Agreement via Sections 261.21 and 431 of Handbook M-41, City Carrier Duties and Responsibilities.

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