Chartered 1889, Serving the Bronx and Manhattan


First Vice President

Anibal (Sonny) was elected 1st Vice President in 2019. He has held this position for 3 years and was re-elected in 2022. Sonny began his long postal and Union carrier in 1981. In 1998 Sonny was elected as Shop Steward by a group of his fellow carriers. As a Steward, Sonny strived to become the leader his fellow carriers needed and pushed himself to learn everything he could to assist them. In 2005, Sonny graduated the 1st NALC Leadership Academy. He continued in the leadership path by being appointed to the route adjustment team, Customer Connect and becoming a Formal step A representative that same year. In 2006, Branch 36 carriers banded together and elected him as the Director of Compensation. Anibal never stopped working for the letter carriers of Branch 36. In 2022, Anibal was re-elected to the position of 1st Vice President a position he has held with pride and will continue to do so.

Choose Wisely

When elections come around candidates usually talk about their qualifications, the current state of affairs and how they are the best person for the job. Incumbents seeking reelection may speak about their achievements and ideas for the future to benefit those they represent. Opponents, on the other hand, often have negative things to say about the current administration while offering little or no solutions to perceived issues.
For some reason it has become the norm to lie in an attempt to get elected. It seems impossible for a few candidates to accept defeat. They find it easier to blame the outcome of an election on foul play. They file appeal after appeal on the results, lose and file another appeal of the decision to stay the results. Then come the cries of “the fix is in.” To be fair, nobody likes to lose, but the adults in the room eventually come to terms with reality, while the immature throw tantrums.
In attempts to gather followers, some turn to social media. There they can spread lies with almost no consequences. The truly shameless alter tape recordings, text messages or something overheard to change the entire meaning of what is said. It’s not the same thing to hear about somebody stealing someone’s heart and then labeling that person a thief. With few people fact checking it’s not too difficult to convince some of them.
We are all entitled to our opinions, but I cannot accept untruths and refuse to follow liars. I wasn’t raised that way. As a child, I was taught about the importance of honesty, integrity, loyalty and respect. These things are almost entirely lacking in those who will do anything to gain power and control, how sad. Fortunately, people are paying attention and as more and more learn the truth, the followers begin to dwindle. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”
So, before elections come around, educate yourself and seek out the truths. As for myself, I don’t trust liars and don’t take my vote lightly. Dishonest people do not make good leaders.

Heroes Delivering


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