Chartered 1889, Serving the Bronx and Manhattan

Carmen Flores

Director of Compensation

Carmen was elected as the Director of compensation in 2022. Carmen began her long postal and Union membership in 1997. Carmen has always pushed herself to learn as much as possible to help her fellow carriers. In 1997 Carmen was certified as Safety Captain and in 2000 became an On-The-Job instructor. Just 4 years after she began working at the postal service Carmen started her extensive career as a Shop Steward. Carmen has completed multiple trainings, NALC Leadership Academy in 2013, Legislative and Political training in 2015, Formal A and Beyond in 2016, Letter carrier academy facilitator in 2017 and Dispute Resolution Process in 2019. Carmen’s long resume of training and certifications propelled her throughout her career. She has served as the Dinner Dance Chairperson since 2010 and was elected a Trustee for Branch 36 in 2013. In 2016 Carmen was elected as Mutual Benefits Association representative where she remained until she was elected as the Director of Compensation. Her skills and expertise made her a perfect fit as part of the Dispute Resolution Team, where she uses everything, she has learned to defend all carriers daily.

Additional Supporting Evidence Time Limits

As of March 7, 2023, injured Federal workers covered by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) will now have 60 days to supply evidence in support of an initial claim. In the past when OWCP denied your initial claim due to insufficient evidence, you were given 30 days to request a reconsideration and provide additional evidence for your claim to be accepted. If the claimant submits factual evidence, medical evidence, or both, but OWCP determines that this evidence is not sufficient to meet the burden of proof, OWCP will inform you of the additional evidence needed. You will now have 60 days to provide this information.
Remember that the 60 days is to submit supporting evidence/medical documentation on an initial claim. Your examiner will issue what OWCP calls a development letter, which will always be related to one or more of the five basic elements that every claimant has the burden of proof to establish for his/ her claim to be accepted.
There are five basic elements to an OWCP claim:

  1. The claim must be considered timely. In order for a claim to be considered timely filed, it must be filed within three years of date of injury, date of awareness of the injury being work related, or the last date of exposure.
  2. The claimant must be a civil employee.
  3. Fact of Injury.
  4. Performance of Duty.
  5. Causal Relationship.

The development letter will inform you of which element your claim has not met. As we are approaching the warmest months of the summer letter carriers exposed to higher temperatures increase and it is important that you remain as hydrated as possible, drinking one cup of water every 15-20 minutes. Unfortunately, every summer there is at least one or more carriers injured due to heat exposure resulting in lost time at work. Heat Injuries can occur even when you have kept yourself hydrated throughout your route. Heat exposure can lead to muscle fatigue, lack of mental awareness, nausea and trigger other existing medical conditions that you may have. If you experience a heat injury, seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Fill out a CA1 on I recommend that everyone establishes an ECOMP account to speed up the process if you are injured on the job.
Form OWCP 957 Medical Travel Refund Request: all travel expenses not within walking distance to and from your doctor’s visits, therapy, and pharmacy to pick up your medication for your approved claim are refundable. You must submit train fare receipts, gas station receipts, and obtain a copy of your doctor’s visits and therapy sessions. You have one year from the time you started your travels due to your on-the-job injury or CA2 to submitted form 957 to OWCP. Tolls, and parking fees are also refundable. In closing, may everyone be safe, stay healthy and enjoy your summer.

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